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45%含量锰砂滤料 地下水除锰除铁锰砂 锰砂生产 沸石滤料图145%含量锰砂滤料 地下水除锰除铁锰砂 锰砂生产 沸石滤料图245%含量锰砂滤料 地下水除锰除铁锰砂 锰砂生产 沸石滤料图3

45%含量锰砂滤料 地下水除锰除铁锰砂 锰砂生产 沸石滤料

2021-12-28 05:199010已售
型号 FY-R4
化学成分 MnO2
抗压力 800(kgf)
孔隙率 47(%)
类型 高效
密度 2.66(g/cm3)
磨损率 0.8
性能 耐酸,耐碱,耐高温,耐低温,防水,防静电,防火
盐酸可溶率 0.8(%)
硬度 3-5
用途 水过滤
滤料类型 锰砂
吸附率 98(%)
品牌 赤峰福悦



        赤峰福悦锰砂滤料是采用国内**锰砂矿,晶粒致密、机械强度大、化学活性强、不易破碎、不溶于水的天然锰矿砂,经水洗打磨除杂、破碎、干燥、磁选、筛分、除尘等工艺加工成砂,再把加工好的锰砂按一定的级配调合而成。它具有水处理滤料**的级配比例,使它在单位体积内有**大的比表面积**强的截污能力**大的氧化催化作用和**小的反冲洗流失率。 锰砂滤料外观黑褐色,近圆形,主要成份是二氧化锰,含量在35%-45%之间。锰砂滤料(除铁、锰填料)宇泰锰砂滤料是采用**天然锰矿石加工而成,外观呈褐色,对于地下水除铁、除锰过滤有独特的效果。





分析项目 测试数据 分析项目 测试数据
密度 2.66g/cm3  比重 3.4g/cm3
容重 2.0g/cm3 **可溶率 ≤ 0.8%
堆密度  2.2g/cm3 MnO2 35-45%
含泥量 ≤ 2.5% SiO2 17-20%
破碎率  ≤1.0% Fe2o3 10-21% 
磨损率  ≤0.8% MnC2 12-20%









   地     址:内蒙古赤峰宁城县天义镇富家窝铺村(原糖厂南侧)

       经     理:李果

    手     机:15047259045

       Q       Q:3271344781

    邮     箱:3271344781@qq.com
    网     址:https://shop1438707253312.



Product introduction
Manganese sand filter is the use of domestic high-quality manganese sands, natural manganese sand grain density, high mechanical strength, strong chemical activity, not broken, do not dissolve in water, washing, polishing cleaning, crushing, drying, magnetic separation, screening, dust and other processing into sand, and the processing of manganese sand according to certain gradation and mixing. It has the most ideal proportion of the water treatment filter, so it has the largest specific surface area, the strongest sewage interception capacity, the maximum oxidation catalytic effect and the minimum counter flushing loss rate in the unit volume. Manganese sand filter looks dark brown, nearly circular, the main ingredient is manganese dioxide content between 35%-45%. Manganese sand filter material (iron, manganese filler) Yu Thai manganese sand filter material is made of high-quality natural manganese ore processing, the appearance of brown, for groundwater in addition to iron, manganese removal filter has a unique effect.
Natural manganese dioxide manganese sand contained in the two order can oxidize iron and precipitation to get rid of, and make the water clean. Not only can be used for groundwater in addition to iron, and can be used for underground manganese; our production of manganese sand filter is made of high quality natural manganese ore as raw material, the mechanical crushing multiple screening, the appearance of rough edges, brown, grain density, high hardness, corrosion resistance, low loss and long service life with the amount of manganese in water immersion is not dissolved, filtered water does not increase, natural manganese sand can be the most difficult soluble in water purifying agent of. With good iron removal, manganese removal performance, is the groundwater and industrial water with iron and manganese ions in addition to iron, manganese removal of the necessary products.  
The current use of natural manganese sand iron principle has two kinds: one kind is manganese sand surface with a layer of membrane, can play a very strong oxidation; another is manganese sand itself to iron catalysis, two valent iron catalyzed water into ferric iron, and three attached to the order of iron manganese sand particles, to the purpose of removing fe. Content 30% of natural manganese sand filter material, only suitable for groundwater in addition to iron.
Product use
Natural manganese sand is a strong oxidizing agent, can water price to two from the oxidation of iron and manganese sand used for drinking water filtration device to remove iron and manganese, iron and manganese removal of groundwater using water purification. The manganese sand filter for groundwater treatment, simple process, convenient operation, low cost, long-term stability, the service cycle in 5 years, easy to manage, do not add any chemicals to water to remove iron, manganese, arsenic and other harmful substances, water quality fully meet the national standards for drinking water, groundwater treatment is a very good filter the.  
Matters needing attention
Manganese sand use period, high concentration of iron in groundwater is generally 3~5 years of iron containing low concentration of groundwater, longer service life, some more than ten years. In some natural manganese sand filter, manganese sand filter layer will gradually form a spherical "rust sand", "rust sand" surface layer "membrane", still have a catalytic iron removal ability, so the formation of the "iron", is not the natural manganese sand failure. When the "rust" in the grain size of the filter material is too coarse and affect the effect of iron removal, it is necessary to replace part of the filter material. So, in our construction process should pay attention to whether there is a "rust sand" exists, if any, must discern "rust sand", if it is a small size, you can continue to use, can reduce the industrial cost, if it is a large size, will be replaced, so as not to affect the quality of the filtered water.

Contact information
Chifeng City Fu Yue Activated Carbon Factory
To address: Inner Mongolia Chifeng Ningcheng county rich Wo Pu Cun (sugar factory in the South)
The: Plum
Hand machine: 15047259045
Q Q:3271344781
Mail box: 3271344781@qq.com
Network access: https://shop1438707253312.


    地     址:内蒙古赤峰宁城县天义镇富家窝铺村(原糖厂南侧)

    经     理:李果
    手     机:15047259045

    Q       Q:3271344781
    邮     箱:3271344781@qq.com
    网     址:https://shop1438707253312.


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