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2-4mm天然沸石 水质净化用沸石滤料 粉色沸石滤料图12-4mm天然沸石 水质净化用沸石滤料 粉色沸石滤料图22-4mm天然沸石 水质净化用沸石滤料 粉色沸石滤料图3

2-4mm天然沸石 水质净化用沸石滤料 粉色沸石滤料

2021-12-28 05:058900已售
型号 FY-T1
化学成分 SIO2
抗压力 800(kgf)
孔隙率 47(%)
类型 高效
密度 1.92(g/cm3)
磨损率 0.8
性能 耐酸,耐碱,耐高温,耐低温,防水,防静电,防火
盐酸可溶率 0.5(%)
硬度 5
用途 水过滤
滤料类型 沸石
吸附率 98(%)
品牌 赤峰福悦



    赤峰福悦沸石是一种极性物质,是极性很强的吸附剂,对极性分子和不饱和分子有机物,沸石具有吸附性、离子交换性、催化和耐酸耐热等性能,因此被广泛用作吸附剂、离子交换剂和催化剂,也可用于气体的干燥、净化和污水处理等方面。沸石还具有“营养”价值。在饲料中添加5%的沸石粉,能使禽畜生长加快,体壮肉鲜,产蛋率高。 由于沸石的多孔性硅酸盐性质,小孔中存有一定量的空气,常被用于防暴沸。在加热时,小孔内的空气逸出,起到了气化核的作用,小气泡很容易在其边角上形成。







1.4 g/cm








1.8 ~ 2.2 g/cm






4 ~ 12 m/h
















    用沸石作为BAF滤料可以有效地去除COD、氨氮和浊度、试验条件的最佳水力负荷为2.2m/h (水力停留时间为1.4h)、此时对COD、氨氮和浊度的去除率分别为73.9%、88.4%和96.2%、相应的出水平均浓度分别为43.4mg/L、3.5mg/L和3.7 NTU、可以达到国家环保总局、天津大学提出的冷却回用水水质建议值中相关指标的要求。


    采用沸石和砂滤料作为BAF滤料处理纺织废水。细胞计数结果表明、沸石滤料上生长的亚硝化单胞菌和硝化菌的数量分别为3.0×108和2.2×109 CFU/mL.而砂滤料上生长的数量分别是4.5×108和6.5×108 CFU/mL.从硝化菌的数量来上看,沸石滤料上更适宜微生物的硝化作用,另外从对有机物和TKN的去除来看、以沸石为滤料的BAF的效果要好于以砂为滤料的BAF。采用沸石作为滤料的BAF可使纺织废水的COD去除率达86%~92%、BOD去除率达99%,色度去除率在77%-79%,这是由于自然沸石滤料的比表面积大于砂滤料,宜于微生物的附着,且沸石滤料的离子交换能力强,能够吸附水中的NH4+,而适宜环境的硝化菌的大量生长,使NH4+转化为硝酸盐。粒径可根据需要制作,水流流态好、过滤周期长、反冲洗容易进行、截污能力强。


      地    址:内蒙古赤峰宁城县天义镇富家窝铺村(原糖厂南侧)

      经    理:李果

      手    机:15047259045

      Q      Q:3271344781
      邮    箱:3271344781@qq.com

      网    址:https://shop1438707253312.

Product introduction
Zeolite is a kind of polar material is polar adsorbent is very strong, the polar molecule and unsaturated organic molecules, the zeolite has adsorption, ion exchange, catalysis and acid resistant and heat resistant properties, it is widely used as adsorbent, catalyst and drying and purification and wastewater treatment etc. it can be used for gas. Zeolite also has "nutrition" value. The addition of 5% zeolite powder in feed, can make the livestock growth faster, strong meat fresh, high laying rate. Due to the porous nature of the zeolite, there is a certain amount of air in the pores, which is often used in the riot. When heating, the air escapes in the small hole plays the role of the gasification nucleus, and the small air bubbles are easy to form on the corner of the air.
Product use
1, in agriculture as a soil conditioner, can play the role of fertilizer, water conservation, prevention of diseases and insect pests. Improve the daily gain and feed efficiency, improve the quality of meat products.
2, no soil cultivation, improved soil, water purification.
3, in the petroleum, chemical industry, oil refining used as catalytic cracking, hydrocracking and petroleum chemical isomerization, reforming, alkylation, disproportionation.
4, building materials, such as ceramic tile; used as cement active admixtures in building materials industry, making artificial lightweight aggregate, lightweight high strength plate and brick making.
5, in the light industry for paper making, synthetic rubber, plastic, resin, paint filling agent and quality of color, etc..  
6, in environmental protection, used to deal with waste gas, waste water, removal or recovery of metal ions from waste water, removal of radioactive pollutants in waste water.
7. Determination of nitrogen content in blood and urine in medicine. Zeolite has also been developed as a health care product for anti-aging, removal of heavy metals accumulated in the body.
Analysis on the use of zeolite filter material
The optimal hydraulic loading with zeolite as the BAF filter can effectively remove COD, ammonia nitrogen and turbidity, test conditions for 2.2m/h (HRT 1.4h), at this time of the COD, ammonia nitrogen and turbidity removal rate was 73.9%, and the average effluent concentration of 88.4% and 96.2% respectively 43.4mg/L, 3.5mg/L and NTU, 3.7 to the State Environmental Protection Administration, Tianjin University proposed recommendations related to the quality of reclaimed water cooling requirements in the index value.
Treatment of textile wastewater by zeolite and sand filter media as BAF filter material. The number of cell counting results showed that, the growth of zeolite on Nitrosomonas and denitrifying bacteria were 3 * 108 and 2.2 * 109 CFU/mL. and the number of sand on the growth were 4.5 * 108 and 6.5 * 108 CFU/mL. from the number of nitrifying bacteria to see, nitrification zeolite is more suitable. The other from the removal of organic matter and TKN, the zeolite BAF filter is better than for a sand filter BAF. Using zeolite as the filter material BAF can make the textile wastewater removal rate of COD was 86%~92%, the removal rate of BOD is 99%, the removal rate of chroma in 77%-79%, which is due to the natural zeolite surface area is larger than the sand filter, for the attachment of microorganisms, and the ion exchange capacity of zeolite, can adsorb NH4 +, while a large number of growth of nitrifying bacteria suitable environment, the NH4 + is converted to nitrate. Particle size can be produced according to the need, the flow pattern is good, the filtration cycle is long, the back flushing is easy to carry on, the interception ability is strong.

Contact information
Chifeng City, Fu Yue activated carbon plant
Address: Inner Mongolia Chifeng Ningcheng county rich Wo Pu Cun (sugar factory in the South)
Manager: Li Guo
Cell phone: 15047259045
Q:3271344781 Q
Mailbox: 3271344781@qq.com
URL: https://shop1438707253312.


      地    址:内蒙古赤峰宁城县天义镇富家窝铺村(原糖厂南侧)

      经    理:李果

      手    机:15047259045
      Q      Q:3271344781
      邮    箱:3271344781@qq.com

      网    址:https://shop1438707253312.



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