我公司位于河南省郑州西郊荥阳市,南是310国道,北是陇海铁路和开洛高速公路,距郑州市25公里。 Our company is located in Henan Province, Zhengzhou in the western suburbs of Xingyang, South State Road 310, North Longhai Railway and the Kaifeng-Luoyang expressway, 25 kilometers away from Zhengzhou city. 我公司是生产成套选矿机械和水泥、化工、建材等设备的专业厂,具有三十多年的生产经验。其主要产品有:鄂式、锤式、辊式、反击式破碎机、球棒磨机、整体式高效节能圆锥球磨机、回转窑、干燥机、冷却机、成球机、振动筛、自动返砂螺旋分级机、高效节能浮选机、矿用搅拌槽、给料机、陶瓷过滤机、浓缩机、提升输送等机械设备。 Our company is the production of complete sets of processing machinery and cement, chemical industry, building materials and other professional equipment factory, has thirty years of production experience. Its main products are: jaw crusher, hammer crusher, roller, crusher, mill, a whole type high-efficiency energy-saving cone ball mill, rotary kiln, drying, cooling machine, a bal...